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"I'm 58 years old, but age is just a number: I still feel youthful"

CEO Eduard Schaepman interview with Perfect Health

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Eduard Schaepman is the creator and founder of Tribes, a successful company that offers flexible workplaces for people who are not tied to a fixed office. The businessman himself does not have a fixed workplace. 'I'm always on the move , I meet new people and I see new things. That's how I feed my brain with creativity.' How does Eduard keep all the balls in the air? By scheduling relaxation moments in his agenda.

First of all: who is Eduard Schaepman? What do you do?

'Family man, patrician, sports fanatic: those are the words that best describe me. Looking at the latter, I live to exercise. I do that six days a week, I need that too. Sure, it's strenuous, but also relaxing. I do cycling/mountain biking as well as kickboxing, strength training and more. Sitting still is not for me! I am 58 years old, but age is just a number . I still feel youthful. I am a serial entrepreneur with several companies. But Tribes is my brainchild. Tribes are flexible workplaces (with sports programs that ensure that you move as much as possible during your working day!) for everyone who is not tied to a fixed office. We have 23 branches in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.'

Sounds busy. How do you watch your health?

'My agenda is full until September. But I'm not busy. I'm just well planned. My moments of relaxation, for example, are fixed agenda items that I never miss. Nobody can be busy, because we all have the same number of hours. It's about how you fill in your hours. As long as you do things that you enjoy and that give you energy, I don't think there is a problem. That's how I organize my life. That is also the way for me to keep myself fit, creative and healthy.'

What does healthy aging mean to you?

Healthy living is the foundation of my life! Your body is ultimately the only thing you – as it were – influence. If your car breaks down, you go to the garage for a check-up, but we humans check our bodies too little or too late. I honestly don't get that. I have been preventive about my health for years. So for me it's not specifically about aging healthy, but staying healthy. As a child I had the disease epilepsy, so I knew from an early age that you have to take care of your body. Many checks were done on me... but when I was rid of the disease I continued to perform these. For example, I keep track of my BMI, blood group and pulse rate. In addition, I am by nature someone who likes sports. And the more you exercise, the more you pay attention to nutrition, the amount of food and things like that. Of course I did drink alcohol during my adolescence, then I also gained some pounds, but at some point things changed. Especially when I got married and had children at a later age, I thought: 'Now I have to start living even healthier, because I want to see our kids grow up.' And so every time there are new 'impulses' that make me think and prompt me to take action. That said, I now think I'm in the healthiest period of my life.'

So a win! Speaking of insight, you have been taking nutritional supplements for years and have only recently done the Premium Health Check with us. What do you want to say about it?

'That's right! I see the Premium Health Check as a reconfirmation that I am on the road to good health. And that gives peace and direction at the same time. Recommended.'

What is your view on nutritional supplements?

'I am in favor of nutritional supplements, so that you can build up a good and sufficient resistance. After all, you don't get everything you need through food. Of course, some people need more than others. But you also have to look at what you're doing. If you are exercising (almost) every day, you should take shakes. But also take magnesium. For example, did you know that omega is also a great supplement? If you don't eat your daily portion of fatty fish. You can get a lot from food, but are you eating the right things? Mostly not. We often eat way too fast. If you don't chew your spinach properly, the vitamins it contains will ultimately be of no use to you. In the Netherlands we are used to working at the PC during the lunch break with a sandwich, stop that. Take the time for your break.'

Finally, what is your ultimate health tip?

'Listen to your body and immerse yourself in your own body. And mind. We all have flaws, that's okay. But then see how you make the rest healthier. You can handle more, experience less stress and feel happier when you do this. Bet?'

Beautiful Things in Life:

Book: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari.

Hobby: chess.

Sport: kickboxing.

Beauty secret: erm, I have none: I am pure nature.

Indispensable supplement: D3, Magnesium, Omega

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