The Power of Vacation as a Catalyst for Change

A Note from the CEO, Eduard Schaepman

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In today's society, we are often confronted with the demands of modern working life, often pushing ourselves to the limit to succeed and progress. In this hectic rat race, we sometimes forget that taking time for ourselves is critical to growing both personally and professionally. Taking a vacation isn't just a luxury; It is an essential need for our well-being and happiness. In addition, vacations can open doors for self-reflection and can lead to important decisions of change in our lives, such as looking for a new job, another place to live, or even changing our life partner.

The Importance of Going On Vacation as a Worker

During our daily work, we often experience stress, pressure and responsibilities that exhaust us mentally and physically. Taking vacation helps to reduce this burden and provides a well-deserved opportunity to relax and recover. Here are some reasons why taking a vacation is important:

Stress reduction

During a vacation, we can get away from the daily grind and responsibilities, which allows us to lower our stress levels and refresh our minds. This contributes to better overall health and well-being.

Improved productivity

By resting and relaxing on vacation, we can go to work fresh and energetic after returning. This can improve our productivity and help us work more efficiently.

Creative inspiration

A change of scenery and new experiences during a holiday can stimulate our creativity and generate new ideas that can affect our work.

Strengthening relationships

Holidays offer the opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends. Strong social bonds can support us in dealing with stress and challenges at work.

Decisions of Change After the Holidays

Going on vacation not only provides physical and mental peace, but it can also serve as a time of introspection and self-discovery. During this period, we often have the opportunity to reflect on our lives, our goals, and what truly makes us happy. This can lead to important decisions of change, such as:

Career change

A vacation can help us realize that our current job doesn't meet our expectations or passions. It can be the motivation to explore a new career that better matches our interests and ambitions.


While travelling to new destinations, we can become aware of different cultures and lifestyles. This can make us realize that a different living space fits better with our needs and values.

Rethinking relationships

A vacation can give us the space to evaluate our current relationship. It can tell us if we are happy and if we want to continue our future with our current partner.

Personal growth

During a holiday, we can grow as a person by taking on new experiences and challenges. This can allow us to make more conscious and informed decisions about our lives.

In conclusion, going on vacation is not only a moment of fun and relaxation, but it is also a crucial time for self-discovery, reflection and making important decisions in our lives. It can help us to list our priorities and make the necessary changes to live a fulfilling and balanced life. It is important to embrace this precious time for ourselves so that we return to our work and daily lives as healthier and happier individuals.

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