"Why I prefer physical meetings over digital meetings" By Eduard Schaepman, Tribes CEO

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There are several reasons why a physical meeting can be better than a digital meeting held over Zoom or Teams. For me, physical meetings will always be my preference due to:

1. Body language: In a physical meeting, you can observe body language more easily and make a stronger connection with the other person. This is important because body language can convey a lot of information that may not be communicated through speech alone.

2. Nonverbal cues: Physical meetings allow for nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice that may be missed or distorted in a virtual setting. Nonverbal cues are important for building rapport and understanding emotions.

3. Fewer distractions: In a physical meeting, you are less likely to be distracted by other apps or notifications on your device. This can help you focus on the discussion and be more present in the moment.

4. Personal touch: In a physical meeting, you can offer a handshake or other personal touch, which can help to establish a connection and build trust.

5. More engaging: Physical meetings can be more engaging because they allow for a variety of interactive experiences, such as brainstorming sessions, whiteboard discussions, or team-building exercises.

However, there are also benefits to virtual meetings, such as convenience, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, particularly when meeting with people who are geographically distant.

The decision to hold a physical meeting or a virtual one will depend on the specific situation and the needs of the participants, and hybrid meetings are an effective way to bridge the gap between remote and office-based workers.

Book your next meeting with Tribes today! - https://www.tribes.world/en/services/meeting-rooms

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