5 tips to stay cool in the office during summer

It can be difficult to stay sharp and focused when it's summer. Especially when the temperatures are high, the sun is shining and all you really want to do is go outside... With our tips you can work efficient, and enjoy the sun at the same time!
1. Adjust your schedule
It's best to work early in the morning and late at night, because temperatures are often cooler at those parts of the day. When you're able to work with a flexible schedule, make use of it! Get up early, stay focused when it's still cool outside, and relax when temperatures are high! We love to be flexible, so you can enter your private office at all times!
2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
It's so important to stay hydrated when it's hot! When you don't drink enough water with these temperatures, you'll easily get dehydrated. The result: headaches, trouble concentrating and a fuzzy mind. So keep a large bottle of water and drink regularly all day, or drink the fruity water from our Tribes hostesses. They spice it up with slices of cucumber, pepper, orange, lemon, lime, ginger and more. You'll surely be sipping all day!
3. Find the best spot!
When it gets too hot in your office, or when you simply just can't handle being inside: leave! Find a spot in the shade in your garden, in the park, or anywhere you like. Every Tribes location has several spots, so try the Tribes co-working area or the Tribes bar, or maybe you're working at a Tribes location with an office garden.
4. Summer looks
Loosen up with cool and light clothing that's appropriate for the office (unfortunately that doesn't mean the same clothes as you would wear to the beach). Men are probably having a harder time to dress cool, but they can be creative: slip into something light after you've had that one-hour meeting in which you needed to suit up!
5. Visit networking events
When you really have the summer vibes and can't stand being inside/at work on sunny days, go out and visit networking events. Meet new people, make new connections and train your elevator pitch. A great way to do something useful and still being able to enjoy the sun (but don't forget to use sunblock when it's an outdoors event, nobody wants to leave with a heavy sunburn).
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