Virtual Office
Provides your business with all the benefits of a professional business address or phone service without the need to be there!
Phone service
€ 71.50 / Month
Starting price (excl. VAT)
Postal Address
€ 71.50 / Month
Starting price (excl. VAT)
Virtual Office
€121 / Month
Starting price (excl. VAT)
A professional look wherever you are
With our different services such as the phone service or professional business address service, you can have a professional look wherever you are. With a business address or phone service, you also have easy access to our inspiring and flexible coworking spaces and meeting rooms on a pay as you use basis.
What's on offer?
Phone service
Business telephone services, where the Tribes service team picks up the phone on behalf of your company. Are you not available? Then the service team will take the message for you and pass it on to you at pre-arranged times and in pre-arranged ways.
Postal address
With a Postal address, you can have your business mail sent to us. The Tribes service team collects your mail and lets you know at pre-arranged times and in pre-arranged ways that mail is ready.
Virtual Office
A virtual office includes our combined postal address & telephone service.
Inspiring Workplaces
Tribes is not just a workplace. Inspired by 34 indigenous tribes, every location is unique and inspiring.
A convenient base
We have one of a kind coworking spaces with free tea and coffee to help you through your day.
Work for a cause
By working with Tribes Inspiring Workplaces you are supporting Survival International who continue to protect the world's most vulnerable indigenous communities.
Whether you want to work with 2 people, a team of 20 or an entire company: we can customize your workspace to suit your exact business needs!
Interested in the benefits of our virtual offices?